Long Time No News :P
Have'nt really played the site untill yesterday when JiggaWhat asked me if i would like to review games for Tech Support Desk and working out something to output them somewhere.
So we talked alot and came up with something that could be fun. No website will have the reviews and TSD will host the actual TAD. Kinda odd way to do it, but with No website limited server space/file size capacity (free uCoz webhost) and JiggaWhat already full hands just keeping up with Boogieman requests and administrating/develloping TSD, it's what we came up with.
An interresting option open up also this way, No website members could become reviewers for No/TSD via a TSD shared upload/reviewed online folder bin. If you would like to become such a person and got the will, time and skills/knowledge to do it, sign up and give me a shout in the Forums or on PW/WZ! (We can use more No Smurfs) ;)