Somehow Melfice decided to close his ladder after the TA Zone Ladder was asked to be resetted.
So I have to clean up my links menu now.
TAU is saved... at least for now. Aerobic, Viperion and Me along with all the donation (gathered via a chip in pot) have bought TAU. Aero is prepping up the server to receive/migrate the site working with Gecko from what I understood at this point. I havent got an exact timeframe as to when everything will be changed and transferred to Aero server, but I think I've read end of march somewhere (probably on TAU forums).
Cowsy have set up a Trivia Bot via IRC over at Phoenix Worx, and even added TA Questions to it!
Quite enjoyable challenge for anyone and everyone if you ever played TA ;) To start it, if you ever wish to test your TA knowledge, type !Trivia TA.
I've started using gpgnet again a little to play some Forged Alliance games this last week and met up with old TA players. Alkoholick, Hyde, MM3, Hexdump and a couple others are still alive and well. Was good chatting with the lot of them after such a long time. :) Even got to see Toppo and Timmyfred on WZ today. Wonder who else will show up/make a comeback to this good old game? :)
Until next time
Limits aka PhalanX/TyranT